📘 How to teach so students to remember by M.Sprenger - - - - - - - - - - How to Teach So Students Remember offers seven steps to increase your students’ capacity to receive information in immediate memory, act on it in working memory, store it in long-term memory, and retrieve and manipulate it in unanticipated situations--that is, to use what they’ve learned when they need it. Step by step, you will discover * how to reach your students and get them to attend to incoming information; * how to encourage reflection to better enable students to make connections to prior knowledge; * how to help students recode new concepts in their own words to clarify their understanding; * how to use feedback to provide a framework for learning and show the brain what's important to remember; * how to incorporate multiple rehearsal strategies that provide multiple avenues to stored material; * how to structure review processes so students retain information beyond the test; and * how to align instruction, review, and assessment to help students more easily retrieve information.

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